We Are Coral


We Are Coral

01_We Are Coral – Park2018 from Jerome Rossen on Vimeo.

We Are Coral

We are coral
Please respect us
Come and learn about us
So you can help protect us

Did you know that we’re animals?
We live beneath the sea
We come in lots of shapes and sizes And we live in colonies
We like to eat plankton (yum yum) We get our colors from algae We’re a rainforest and rainbows An underwater city

Our science name is polyp
We use our stingers to catch our prey We’re soft and squishy
We look like fans, sticks and brains
We’re sometimes bumpy (bump bump) We have an exoskeleton
When we die, we become white
And turn into limestone

Deforestation and pollution
Won’t you help us find a solution
Global warming and over fishing
Watch over us, that’s all we’re wishing!

“Keep the Ocean’s Cool”

06_Save The Reef – Park2018 from Jerome Rossen on Vimeo.

“Keep the Ocean’s Cool”
)The sun shines down on the earth
Sending us energy
The earth can’t use it all up,
So it sends some back.
Carbon Dioxide is a gas
it’s all around us
trees take in some carbon dioxide but people are making too much
When there’s too much carbon dioxide
The heat from the sun, tries to escape our atmosphere
But it gets trapped
That’s called the greenhouse effect

Walk or bike or scoot to school
That will help keep our oceans cool
Put solar panels on your roof
Turn the lights off when you’re leaving a room
If nobody’s watching turn off the TV
Clean dishes by hand to save energy
Go easy on the heater and on the AC
That will help us save the reef

When the earth gets too warm
The oceans get warm
That’s really bad for the coral reef
When the reef gets warm
It turns a ghostly gray,
then they bleach they turn white, and die.

That will help us save,
That will help us save
That will help us save the coral reef
If we can inspire ambitions
Maybe we can reduce our emissions

Let’s Help the Reef

08_Everything Leads To The Ocean – Park2018 from Jerome Rossen on Vimeo.

Let’s Help the Reef

Everything leads to the ocean
Everything leads to the reef
If we work hard
If we work together
We can build this world that we need
Let’s Help the Reef
Let’s Help the Reef